Free Widescreen Egypt PowerPoint Template

Free Widescreen Egypt PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template of Egypt shows a vector map on a background of the Egyptian flag. It is a widescreen PowerPoint template, perfect for the larger modern screens. You can change the size of the map or you can choose whether you want to single out a specific region.

To show you some examples of what you can do with the maps, we have made three different maps for you. In the first map, there is a vector outline of the entire country. In the second map, we have outlined the different regions and placed the major cities of Cairo and Luxor as well as the river Nile. In the third map, we have shown a type of map called a thermic map. This is a gradient of the same colour, which can be changed for different regions.

Some examples of using these maps for presentations include: heat maps, population maps. You could also show different demographics across the country.

Also included in this free template are an example bullet point slide, graph slide and a corresponding colour scheme.

Please let us know in the comments box below what you have used the map for.

Free Widescreen Egypt PowerPoint Template inside page
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Published On: 16th Aug 2017

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Editable Map PowerPoint Templates , , , ,    Template number 02055