Using PowerPoint and Keynote together

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Using PowerPoint and Keynote together

If you’re a Mac user you have the option of using both Microsoft’s PowerPoint and Apple’s Keynote, in conjunction on your machine. This opens up new opportunities as both programs have features unique to themselves that you may want to use together in one presentation.

Imagine you want to use a certain feature that only PowerPoint offers and also a feature that only Keynote offers. You could potentially create part of your presentation in PowerPoint and then save it as an import to Keynote to add the features you want to use from that software.

You will have to bear in mind that not all features will be able to be cross-translated between both programs.

In his excellent blog, Jason Valalik offers a great video example and tutorial on how to get the best out of both PowerPoint and Keynote.

PowerPoint vs. Keynote – Using both together to create visually rich presentations

You can find some free PowerPoint and Keynote themes to play around with on our page, new PowerPoint and Keynote templates.

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Published On: 29th Aug 2007

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PowerPoint ,

  1. Pete

    I have seen many sites before and most of them do not look this good. I cannot wait to let my friends know about this site. Thanks for the excellent content.

    Pete 3 Jan at 03:34
  2. The Key difference with Keynotes is the templates are much crisper than PowerPoint worth buying for that alone. Plus you can download a app to show and edit your presentations on a iPad

    john Caulfield 9 Apr at 20:13