The weather in 1893 in Cardiff

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Sunny Skies

1893 was one of the best years on record. Here is a summary of the year – written in the sort of language that only the victorians of the time could use.

1893 Weather in Cardiff- Cardiff Naturalist’s Society – Meteorological Section By Franklen G. Evans, F.R.A.S., F.R. Met. SOC., &c,

The Meteorology and Kindred Phenomena of 1893 The past year, basking in unwonted sunshine, glided placidly and quickly away to join the phantom host of departed predecessors, and to take its place as a fresh link in the lengthening chain of past time.

The past year, basking in unwonted sunshine, glided placidly and quickly away to join the phantom host of departed predecessors, and to take its place as a fresh link in the lengthening chain of past time.It was indeed annus mirabilis [a miraculous year], probably without an equal in the written records of modern weather observation, or the oral traditions of our ancestors. We cannot be sure, however, that it was absolutely without a parallel. The Chariot of Time, drawn by Pheobus’ swiftest steeds, began its annual journey through the circle of the Zodiac in January, which derives its name from Janus, the two faced god who (we may suppose) looks back with one old wrinkled visage in longing to regret to the lost joys of the expired year, and forward with young and beaming countenance in anticipation of the delights of the coming one. Then the winged chariot passed into February – meaning purification- in abundant rainfall, which was appropriate to the name of the month, and to the signs of Aquarius and Pisces. March in its sign Aries, falsified all its old traditions, and was, in fact, a summer month* and the lambs escaped the usual harsh wind, and luxuriated in warmth and sunshine. Most of the other signs were journeyed through in similar summer weather, and, speaking generally, it was a halcyon year, under the genial sway of the heavy twins, – calm and sunshine. Libra, on the other hand, showed that the balance of advantage was not all on the right side, for the sickle revealed the fact that Ceres was not abundant.

The summer was a paradise for tourists and excursionists of all kinds, as well as for invalids and stationary folk, who are able to lead a life of peace and contentment in the warm air and gentle zephyrs.


Published On: 27th Feb 2007

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1 Comment
  1. What a wonderful materials!!

    Martin Kim 19 Aug at 02:44