One liners to use for a presentation
One liners to use for a presentation
“It takes 3 weeks to prepare a good off the cuff speech” – Mark Twain
Winston Churchill said that “it takes me all of 10 minutes to prepare a two-hour speech, but takes two hours to prepare a 10 minute one”
Interestingly his maiden speech took six weeks to prepare and was completely memorized.
If you see any interesting quotes add them in here.
After walking up on stage he received a polite round of applause. He replied by saying “Thank you for the applause, it is so nice to get it at the beginning – as I seldom do at the end..” The audience roared with laughter.
> A presentation is like prospecting for oil. If you haven’t struck oil in five minutes, stop boring. – Adapted from a quote by George Jessel
> In every long presentation, there is a short one trying to get out – Adapted from a quote by Ambrose Bierce
> When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion – Dale Carnegie
Management one liner
One liner
This one always gets an appreciative laugh from the males in the audience!