Film CountDown (modified)

Film CountDown (modified)

A revised version sent in by one of our readers, Gregory Eplerwood, a retired filmmaker, who has made some alterations to our original design to more closely mimic the original “Academy leader” with regard to timing and sounds.

Could be used for a wide range of presentations, but mostly for a presentation about the movies, video production or about film stars.

Film CountDown (modified) inside page
inside thumbnail

inside thumbnail


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Published On: 30th Jul 2012

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Animated Powerpoint Templates , , ,    Template number 00973

  1. Nice work as always, thank you!

    The only problem with this is the conflict with a motion picture construct, but a background that implies still photography. To be accurate, the sprocket holes would have to run vertically on the slide.

    16×9 would be nice too!

    samiam 28 Nov at 22:10
  2. Muy original.

    Guis 20 Mar at 19:51
  3. thankk you soo much! this template are so cool , and help me to do my work thank youu

    al 8 Apr at 13:18
  4. Using this as a lead into a corporate presentation. Awesome Work!

    Thomas 13 Jun at 19:07
  5. Excellent template!!! LOVE IT!!!

    Apres Ski 24 Oct at 22:15
  6. Am going to try to use it for a powerpoint presentation used for a film & media collections class for a graduate library science program. thanks!

    sarah 4 Jul at 03:22
  7. Thank U.

    Alessandro Lima 25 Jun at 06:24