3 minute presentation on myself

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3 minute presentation on myself

3 minute presentation on myself

I have been asked to present a 3 minute imaginative presentation on myself as part of an assesment day for a place on agraduate scheme, Im not considering using powerpoint, but am going to have a poster and a handout, can anyone recommend any wacky creative ways to present myself to stand out from 33 other people? Thanks


How about choosing a different way to communicate?

Something unusual like semaphore ??? maybe design a semaphore flag handout and you do the moves etc? You can easily create a pair of hand flags from some material and some bamboo! There are plenty of websites that have diagrams of the signals.

So for example you could pick 3 things that you love such as:


Then learn how to spell these by semaphore (maybe choose things that are going to involve less movement!!) and you can talk a little (1 min) about each thing!

Is this something you could manage in time? I hope this is something different enough to get your creative juices flowing!

Good Luck – let us know how you get on.


I know exactly what your taking about. The 3 min presentation is just one part of the day. Its is just as important to be seen getting involved. Talking to the staff and other applicants. With your presentation I did one using a flip chart I saw other guys using OHP with colour pie charts and the like. All said and done its about how you come across and if your clear, confident, concise and believable.

I simply said what i wanted out of the job.
Described my personal qualities, life experience and how they would help me to succeed.
Then wrapped it up with a concise statment that pulled it all together. For me it was – I believe that B2B sales suits my career ambitions and my personality which will not only help me to suceed but more importantly enjoy what I do too.

Go wacky if you like but I’d just sugget doing something your comfotable with. 3 mins in a very short time. I got great reviews.. just that I put too much info on my flip chart pages.

Good luck!!

sample of presentetion on myself

You guys are soooooo lucky i also have to do a presentation on myself but it has to be 15 minutes long!!!!!!


Published On: 24th Oct 2015

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