Persuasive Speech Example – Do social networking sites do more harm than good?
Here is an example of a Free Persuasive Speech Topic sent in by Matteo Berto.
Ladies, gentlemen, there has recently been a debate as to whether social networking sites do more harm than good.
Personally, I believe social networking sites are harmful and do have consequences. I have solid evidence to support my statement and so I would like to start with a true story concerning Facebook – a popular social networking site.
Not too long ago, a girl in her teens made a friend on Facebook – a chat buddy. This other unidentified friend didn’t give any personal details and one day this girl and friend met up at the mall. The girl was never seen again. This is a serious matter because let’s say this happened to all girls – it would be chaos. Another story is that of a suicide because a person couldn’t meet up with another person on another social networking site. People – is our nation known for its numerous social networks which invade privacy and prevent outdoor activity and exercise? Are our students to spend time chatting online instead of studying for future careers which make this country great?
The opposition argues that social networking sites give people their own space and that these blog sites represent fun and socialisation. Well, would we not prefer our children to go outside and socialise and meet friends that they know where they live and they know their gender? Did people in the 60s need social networking sites? In the olden days we didn’t express a need for an online high tech chatting system. Social networking sites prevent youths from spending time with their parents and their siblings. Another issue about social networking sites is what if your child comes across discrimination or cyber bullying? This only adds to depression. If we are to be a happy nation we should restrict these sites to people above the age of sixteen. This is a fairly easy alternative which I am sure the majority of you would vote for.
Overall, the benefits are few and the drawbacks are many – social networking sites are the centre of misconduct, less studying and unsafe blogs. Do we want our youths to have their eyes glued to computer screens or their ears plugged to headphones? We must restrict social networking sites to 16s or above! Get your children outside socialising and inside studying!
By Matteo Berto, aged 12.
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Speaking as a teenager myself, I find social network also very “unsocial” as it doesn’t allow us to get out into the real world. Everyone else at my school absolutely disagrees and I find it very heart warming that there are young people (in this case an intelligent 12 year old) who have seen the evidence and have produced an extended argument against it. Reading it made my day.
ow?,,,,,,,you make me more comfortable by reading this speeches of yours,,,,,,thank u for adding more informations,,,,
that topic is Wonderful
I think that this is quite a good, persuasive speech. It also looks like you have good points for your speech which you are using to influence others and think about them. I am in year 10, and have to write a speech, and this looks like a good topic. For a twelve year old, I think that you have done a great job. Well done!
this is very good – well done!
This was amazing i enjoyed it very good well done.
this was very good and changing as l’m a teenager my self.
very nice speech.’many students like me..like this.’…
well done mate
i think it is very good to all other student ,i like very mach this writing stile
about why post secondary school should be free
I think this is extremely good, it helped me write a newspaprer article for english!:) xx
hi, do you have an outline for this speech?
Hi unofrtunately, No we dont have an outline
This is a good idea…..I just might use it for my english class!!!!! (:
thanks sooo much i was looking for this for 2hours
For me social networking have bad and good consequences, But its up for us kids if were on this side. for me this net working sites may be a bad idea.. We should experience,explore and enjoy the real world!
Do you have any informative and entertaining speech about this?
what a good idea , yes its true , actually it depends on how you use the social networking.
There are a lot of assumptions being made here. For one, personal examples do not necessitate a series of similar responses and are do not produce adequate evidence to suggest this phenomenon WILL happen to everyone. Secondly, while it can be agreed upon that Social Networking Sites do in fact distract and take time from other activities, websites themselves do not make choices, people make choices. The biggest assumption being made here is that if these sites exist, they must be used and will always produce the evidence presented here. Unfortunately, that’s just not the case. Solid work here, but check your assumptions.
I kinda’ bit unlike the speech, the words such as: “Social Networking Sites” is kinda’ bit over-used. But because a 12-year old kid made this, I think its considerable. :))
nic speech,vry good…support yaa 100%
i did this persuasion for my oral at my school lets just hope that i get 10 out of 10
how does it affect our speech though?
yes this presentation had opened the eyes of all youth
Its a great speech and its the truth these days
Word choice, format, and variety was established in that piece while I believe that you have done an outstanding job and should be commended for your talent, hats off to you!
Good, excellent
I think it is good when it is use wisely and not in the other way round . I find it good and nice for me when I use it wisely. Social networking is useful because it is use for searching things and charting
you can please write a persuasive essay about advirtisement more harm tan good…please please please
I liked your speech, it did have some great points, but honestly I disagree with it. You made very good points, but other than these small topics what do you have to back up your ideas. Yes, abduction is a big issue and does happen often nowadays, social media sites are used by various predators, but most parents have the sense to explain to their child the danger of this and these children should grasp an understanding and be able to use the social network safely. Another, the fact that you stated how many children are wasting time on social media instead of going out in the ‘real world’ and having real experiences. While this is a good point, there are many children or people in general who have anxiety disorders, or are just plain antisocial. Social media is a great way for them to experience life in their comfort zone. Sure, studying habits are not helped by these websites per say, but for me this is a great way to find help in school. Many of my social network friends are very intelligent and will often help me with my work, this has actually helped improve my grades in school. I did enjoy reading your speech, but if you do write something in a topic such as this please make sure you state all the facts, not just the ones that go along with your own argument.
wow FABULOUS What a nice speech.. u such a writer keep it going i really enjoyed your speech
i was finding speeches about keeping your grades up and this is what i found???? tf
it helps me alot in english and ofcourse it was so fabulous
hey this is so awesome,and about the one who disagreed with this speech i think you should go see a doctor
i think that social network is bad but not for the people who are aware of bad things happening today.
so,we should not just justify social networking sites bad .instead of that we should aware people .
I liked your speech, it did have some great points, but honestly I disagree with it. You made very good points, but other than these small topics what do you have to back up your ideas. Yes, abduction is a big issue and does happen often nowadays, social media sites are used by various predators, but most parents have the sense to explain to their child the danger of this and these children should grasp an understanding and be able to use the social network safely. Another, the fact that you stated how many children are wasting time on social media instead of going out in the ‘real world’ and having real experiences. While this is a good point, there are many children or people in general who have anxiety disorders, or are just plain antisocial. Social media is a great way for them to experience life in their comfort zone. Sure, studying habits are not helped by these websites per say, but for me this is a great way to find help in school. Many of my social network friends are very intelligent and will often help me with my work, this has actually helped improve my grades in school. I did enjoy reading your speech, but if you do write something in a topic such as this please make sure you state all the facts, not just the ones that go along with your own argument.
really helpful. i like alot!! thnks for a great speech #awesome!!!!!!!!!!
well it is good but i need a speech for my class activity
Really I like a lot !
hey, i found that this had many interesting information. it definitly persuaded me lol. but i was wondering could it use some of this for my own speech?
thahk you so much for the idea,,it helps me a lot”how blessed you are?,,
. I need a wow introduction for my speech about social media .. help me please . thanks in advance
When writing a Persuasive Essay, students should plan every aspect of the essay:
• Choose a position. Students should think about the issue and pick the side they wish to advocate.
• Understand the audience. …
• Do the research. …
• Identify the most convincing evidence, as well as the key points for the opposing view. -
help me my speech about social maneger in spg in school
Well done
You wrote like a pro compared to another 12 year old… me.
Sensational Skills from Matteo. -
thank you ~
Thanks for a lot..you’ re such a big help!